The overall death toll from Chernobyl remains uncertain, says that same report: "it is impossible to assess reliably, with any precision, numbers of fatal cancers caused by radiation exposure due to Chernobyl accident." 该报告指出,切尔诺贝利核事故导致的总体死亡人数仍不确定,“要可靠、精确地计算因遭受切尔诺贝利核事故的辐射而罹患癌症的人数是不可能的。”
On the Definition of "Death Caused by Escape" in the Crime of Traffic Accident 交通肇事罪中的因逃逸致人死亡
Compensation for death or injury suffered by a worker in the course of his employment. Money pay to the family of someone who dies in an accident at work. 对工人的因工死亡或伤害给予的赔偿。向因工伤事故死亡者家庭所付的钱。
The Death Condition Caused by Traffic Accident in Anhui and Its Countermeasure 安徽省城乡居民交通事故死亡状况及对策
Your chances of death by a car accident go way down; 你死于车祸的机率也将减小。
The insurance that pays insurance gold in order to die the condition to give is serve as insurance accident with the death of insurant, insurance gold pays to beneficiary beneficiary by the underwriter when accident happening. 以死亡为给付保险金条件的保险是以被保险人的死亡作为保险事故,在事故发生时由保险人向受益人支付保险金。
Objective To investigate the clinical characteristics, high risk of death and complications in patients with hemorrhagic traumatic shock ( HTS) by traffic accident. 目的探讨交通伤致创伤性失血性休克(HTS)的临床特点及其引发高死亡率和并发症发生率的高危因素。
This article from the escape place and escape consciousness two respects analyzed escape behavior. "Death caused by escape" intrinsic legal requirements: first, the escape behavior and traffic accident behavior stage. 本文从逃逸地点和逃逸意识两个方面分析了逃逸行为。因逃逸致人死亡的内在法律要求:第一,逃逸行为与交通肇事行为的阶段性。
This paper tries to superficially discuss about the theory of "death caused by escaping crime scene" in the crime of traffic accident, with a view to a certain degree of judicial practice guidelines. 在此,笔者结合具体的案例,对交通肇事逃逸致人死亡的有关问题进行粗浅的理论探讨,以期对司法实务有一定的指引作用。
About 70% of the death caused by heart disease is accident happened outside hospitals. Monitoring the ECG of high risk group can greatly reduce the death rate of cardio paths. 心脏病导致的死亡约有70%是发生在院外的突发事件,因此对院外高危人群进行心电监护,可以大幅降低心脏病患者的死亡率。